Seachem Sulfaplex 10g


    Seachem Sulfaplex 10g

    Treats many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations
    Broad spectrum antibiotic and anti-fungal medication
    Most effective of the sulfa drugs in saltwater
    Absorbed through gills


    SulfaPlex is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal and protozoan infestations in the aquarium
    While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections of freshwater fish
    It is also among the gentler antibiotics, and great for treating fish that are already stressed
    It is easily removed with carbon and does not impair nitrification


    Dosing in Water Remove all invertebrates – these are extremely sensitive to medication
    Turn off UV filters, ozone filters, and remove chemical filtration like MatrixCarbon and Purigen
    Use 2-3 measures (included) per every every 40 L (10 US gallons)
    Repeat this dose every 72 hours for a maximum of 3 weeks
    Dosing in Food SulfaPlex is most effective when used in the water, but it can also be added to the food
    Feed the medicated food mix (recipe below) every day until the infection clears or up to 3 weeks
    1 scoop SulfaPlex 1 scoop Focus 1 tbsp food (preferably pellets or frozen food) A few drops of water if using a dry food To enhance palatability use with GarlicGuard or Entice
    After Treating When the treatment period is over, SulfaPlex can easily be removed using activated filter carbon like MatrixCarbon
    It does not linger in the substrate or filter media of the tank
    Active ingredients: sulfathiazole (69%)
    Inactive ingredients: excipients (31%)



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