Hikari Gold Fish Gold 100g


    Hikari Gold Fish Gold 100g

    Draw Out Their Natural Beauty

    Contains Phaffia Dried Yeast, normally wealthy in carotenoids which can assist your pet with fostering their regular magnificence and tinge. The expansion of Astaxanthin further develops the shading improving limit.

    Supports Immune System Health

    The exceptionally adjusted supplement profile and the incorporation of Polyphenol, an incredible cell reinforcement got from grapes, assists your pet with being their best.

    Fake Color and Flavor Free

    The red shaded pellet is made from crude fixings and won’t contrarily affect your pet’s wellbeing, bowl or aquarium water.

    No Supplemental Feeding Required

    This development recipe upholds fast weight acquire while staying away from the development of inside fat stores which can prompt adaptation and medical problems over the long haul.


    Feed 2 to 4 times daily the amount your pet will consume within a few minutes. Always remove any uneaten food after the feeding period. When the water temperature is consistently below 50F (10C) or above 86F (30C), special care should be taken to avoid over-feeding unless your fish are very active and your water quality is good.

    We recommend Hikari Gold baby as a daily diet for

    All types of goldfish and koi fry to help them develop their true color and beauty.


    Crude ProteinCrude FatCrude FiberMoistureAshPhosphorus
    min. 32%min. 4.0%max. 3.0%max. 10%max. 12%min. 0.7%



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