Aquatic Remedies Aquarium Fish Tank Must Have Starter Combo 100 ML – 3 Pcs Combo Starter Pack
Controls green and cloudy water. Keeps your aquarium water clear. Aquaria clear – a special formula that binds all turbidity in freshwater aquariums and ponds. It helps with the prevention of green and cloudy water. Not harmful to fish and aquarium plants. Slight blue color shading will appear. AQUARIA CLEAR INSTRUCTION: 1. Mix the required dosage into a jug of aquarium water and disperse over the aquarium water. 2. Apply once a week as a preventive measure. DOSAGE: 10 ml per 400 liter of water. Aloe Vera (Wound Healer) –Natural Stress Reliever (Stress Remover) – Natural Acclimatizing agent (Transport Aid) – Synthetic Slime synthesizer (Slime Coat) – Ammonia Reduction Factors (Ammonia Controller) –Instant Chlorine in-activator (Chlorine Remover) –Heavy metal chelator- Water Conditioner) WOUND HEAL: Aloe Vera is the active ingredient acts as a natural wound healer and greater immune stimulant, reduces fish stress. Contains natural antibacterial compound. TRANSPORT: Stress Heal acts as life savor by protecting the fish from ammonia build up, and infectious diseases. Suitable to use during Transport, acclimatization, and water exchange. DE-CHLORINE: Contains active De-chlorinator and heavy metal binder. Quickly removes chlorine in tap water and binds toxic compounds. Reduces ammonia toxicity in water. SLIME COAT: The synthetic slime coat compounds bind with the skin of the fish and make the protective layer as natural slime coat and rapidly reduce the stress and mortality. DOSAGE: 10 ml / 100 liter, during transport: 1 ml / 5 liter. Liquid Bacterial Suspension – For crystal clear water and quick aquarium maturation – For ammonia& nitrite removal Reduction from Ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate. Biologically degrades uneaten food, fish waste and all other nitrogen compounds. Dosing the tank: Once a week. New tank – quick maturation: Treat for 5 days in succession DOSAGE: 10 ml per 100 liter of water.
Aquaria clear – a special formula that binds all turbidity in freshwater aquariums and ponds. It helps with the prevention of green and cloudy water. Not harmful to fish and aquarium plants. Slight blue color shading will appear
Liquid Bacterial Suspension – For crystal clear water and quick aquarium maturation – For ammonia& nitrite removal Reduction from Ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate. Biologically degrades uneaten food, fish waste and all other nitrogen compounds. Dosing the tank: Once a week.
loe Vera (Wound Healer) –Natural Stress Reliever (Stress Remover) – Natural Acclimatizing agent (Transport Aid) – Synthetic Slime synthesizer (Slime Coat) – Ammonia Reduction Factors (Ammonia Controller) –Instant Chlorine in-activator (Chlorine Remover) –Heavy metal chelator- Water Conditioner)
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