A refugium is a separate tank or compartment in an aquarium system that is used to cultivate beneficial organisms, such as macroalgae, copepods, and other microfauna. A refugium can be set up in different ways, depending on the type of aquarium system you have. Here are some general steps to follow when setting up a refugium:

  1. Choose the type of refugium you want to set up: hang-on-back, in-tank, or sump-based.
  2. Select the appropriate size for your refugium based on the size of your main tank.
  3. Add substrate and media to your refugium.
  4. Add macroalgae to your refugium.
  5. Add live rock or biological media to your refugium.
  6. Add microfauna to your refugium.
  7. Install a light source for your refugium.

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