Bubble Tip Anemones (Entacmaea quadricolor) are one of the most popular marine invertebrates around. They are a staple in the trade and are often the first exposure aquarists get to marine fish-keeping. These anemones are beautiful creatures that never get boring.

Bubble Tip Anemones are unique sea creatures with a distinct look. As their trade name would imply, the anemone features tentacles with a bulbous tip. The length of the tentacles can vary, and the same goes for the size and shape of the bulb. With some specimens, the bulb is accompanied by a small tip. Interestingly enough, the tentacles can change based on the anemone’s environment. Those found in deeper waters with less light tend to have long tentacles. They usually lack the iconic bulbous tip and take on a more stringy look. This can occur in low-light aquariums as well. However, most captive anemones are going to look like wild specimen found closer to the surface. They feature the familiar short tentacles with the bubble tip.

Bubble Tip Anemones are widespread in the wild and are mostly found residing in tropical waters in the Indo-Pacific area. They form a symbiotic relationship with certain fish and are a joy to watch and care for. In captivity, they require strong lighting, moderate water flow, and stable water parameters. They can be fed small pieces of fish or shrimp once or twice a week.

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